2 September 2009

Bullock's bollocks

The Labour party MP and Mayor of Lewisham Steve Bullock recently wrote a load of old bollocks about The Camp for Climate Action on his blog, comparing climate change activists to football hooligans:

I felt obliged to respond with an email direct to Sir himself. Here's what I said:

Dear Mr Bullock

I am writing in response to your recent ignorant remarks about The Camp for Climate Action. Your comparison of climate campers to violent football thugs is an absolutley disgraceful insult to the diverse, caring, well-informed and peaceful people who make up this extraordinary movement.

Would you have said the same about the Sufferagette movement had you been around to witness their 'selfishness'? And how about the civil rights movement, with that thug-like Martin Luther King?

You say that you believe that the climate change activism movement is counter productive? In what way? Did you miss the last few years worth of positive media coverage about the camp? Did you fail to see how each year the camp has brought the atrocious desicions made by your party into the limelight, such as the expansion of Heathrow or the breath of new life delivered to the coal industry?

Or maybe that is the point. Maybe the fact that these pesky environmentalists are continuosly highlighting the absolute double standards and hypocrisy your party demonstrates in it's climate change policy is the cause of the bee currently residing in your bonnet. You claim to be 'desperately worried' about climate change. So desperately worried that you continue to represent a party who wishes to continue business as usual, with total expansion of airports and building new coal-fired power stations? Are you aware of the work of the world's body of climate scientists?

And please tell me, how will the camp be seen as 'self indulgent' by those currently 'struggling through the recession'? I imagine many of the those affected by the current economic situation may feel some sympathy to a movement which is highlighting and criticising the flawed system which put them into that situation in the first place.

And finally, as if to prove your lack of knowledge about the camp, you air your concerns about the 'repair of the Heath' and collection of rubbish. The carefully organised waste sorting system will make recycling a straightforward affair for the local council, and will serve as a demonstration of good waste management to those visiting from the local area, therefore helping to meet local recycling targets. Locals will be encouraged to visit the camp and participate in a wonderful range of environmental workshops and activities, including activities for the children, making for a great local bank holiday event. So far, after every climate camp, the land has been left in an equal, if not better state than it had been found. This has been noted upon by the landowners of previous camps.

I do hope that you plan to visit this year's camp. You never know, you may learn a thing or two!

Kind regards,

Lewis McNeill

Ps. In further posts you may like to consider using a spell-check. Peopel may pick up on it.